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I actually liked this one, and while the art may not be the best, you know you completed it, and that deserves praise. If you need slightly better art, let me know, as I have some art I make myself. Also, if there is one thing I would LOVE if you added to this game, it would be a new ending that is NTR betrayal divorce, where she leaves the husband for the mister. Otherwise, keep doing what you are doing. If you have a Discord or any way to contact me, I will show you an art piece based on your character I can make, and we can see if you like it.

Thank you for sharing, and best of luck with your development

thank's man!!!!!


Good Luck Dudes, Don't mind any negative comments on art, do what you want to do and improve yourself. ATB for your works.

i am taking critisizm pretty well as i know that my art ain't good. i just drew some shit to see if i can make a h-game in the first place. anyway, thank's for the feedback man. appretiate it!!!!

I actually liked this one, and while the art may not be the best, you know you completed it, and that deserves praise. If you need slightly better art, let me know, as I have some art I make myself. Also, if there is one thing I would LOVE if you added to this game, it would be a new ending that is NTR betrayal divorce, where she leaves the husband for the mister. Otherwise, keep doing what you are doing. If you have a Discord or any way to contact me, I will show you an art piece based on your character I can make, and we can see if you like it.